Knowing what you want to accomplish with your life is one of the most desired ambitions in the world. Some people believe that, at some point, they should have a clear concept of what they want to do in their life.
Not knowing what to do with their life is a highly uncomfortable feeling for many. And most people believe that if they can quickly find out what they want to accomplish, they will be able to give it their all.
There is, however, a catch. To obtain a sense of what you want to achieve, you first need to establish a starting point. This point will be based on your previous experiences. You can draw on those experiences to help you attain your desired outcome.
This is a good time to take stock of your current situation.
Before you can decide where you want to go and which path to pursue, you must first assess your present circumstances. Start by carrying out a self-evaluation of your education, your personality, your preferences, your abilities, and your values.
Here are some questions to help you with your self-evaluation:
- What drives you? What do you enjoy doing?
- What kind of soft skills do you have?
- How many professional limitations are you ready to accept?
- What are your strengths and weaknesses?
- What benefits are you seeking in a job?
- What do you require in order to thrive?

Once you have successfully determined your technical and behavioral abilities with the help of this self-evaluation, you will better understand what makes you unique and what brings value to your work life. These are the qualities that will enable you to advance in your job or to pursue your studies.
After doing a self-evaluation, take steps to acquire experience.
As you have seen, to know what you want to accomplish, you first need to review your situation, but that is not all. Self-evaluation is a good starting point, and now it’s time to put into practice in a job environment what you have learned about yourself. When we are young, we don't have enough knowledge or references to refer to when it comes to choosing a career.
To move forward, you'll need to acquire experience, master new skills, and try out new circumstances. By gaining as much experience as possible, you will lay a foundation to build on when deciding on a career.
And the more experience you have, the more you will understand what you like and what you dislike. Over time, you'll figure out what you want to do and what you don't want to do!
So, gaining as much experience as possible is the key to determining what you want to achieve, Both the length and variety of experiences will be helpful.
- The duration of experiences is proportional to the depth of learning. . For example, if you've always had a bad attitude towards cooking, haven't invested time in learning how to cook, and are simply doing the bare minimum to feed yourself, your experience will be limited.
However, if you want to prepare wonderful dishes by reading recipe books, following the top chefs, and trying a variety of cuisines, your experience will be far broader.
As a result, simply by putting in more time, effort, and energy, you will expand your knowledge of the subject.
- The variety of your experiences relates to the diversity of activities that you participate in. For instance, if you are only skilled in photography because you have solely studied and worked in that field, it is time to branch out and to try something truly unique.
It could be anything, such as sketching, money management, culinary arts, learning how to play a musical instrument, dog training, travel, aesthetics, or construction work. The more you try out new things, the more diverse your experience will be.
It can be a challenge to know where to begin because there are so many different options. A good place to start is by doing the activities that you would like to try for the first time or to improve on.
Here are four steps to help you get started and decide what you would like to do:
- Take out a sheet of paper and a pen. For the next 30 minutes, write down everything that you've ever wanted to try. Don't overthink things. Don't ask yourself whether it's possible or not. Don't even think about figuring out how you'll make it happen. The goal of this step is to determine WHAT you want to do before looking at HOW you will do it. Simply jot it down.
- Next, go over your list. Circle the activities that you want to attempt today. It could be one or two ideas on your list, or nearly all of them.
- Now, prioritize them. What do you want to try first? Place a 1 in front of this activity. Then, look at the second activity that you want to attempt and place a number 2 in front of it, and so on, until you've taken all of your ideas into account.
- It's now time to consider HOW you will carry them out. How can you put the initial ideas that you circled into action? Of course, you could be afraid to try something new because you are using an unnecessarily complicated thought process.
Rest assured that you don't have to quit what you're doing now. You may continue doing what you're doing while also trying something new. Begin with little steps. Attend a class. Participate in a volunteer program. Consult with someone who has experience in a field that interests you. Read about it or devise a strategy to accomplish what you've circled on your list.
As your experiences broaden and deepen, you will get a distinct sense of what you don't want to do and what you want to accomplish.
The most important step is to take action!
Finally, we must always take action in order to gain new experiences. So go ahead and experiment with anything that you are interested in. Spend some time doing outdoor activities. Take stock of your new experiences on a regular basis and check to see whether you're on the right track.
After you've had a reasonable amount of broad and varied experiences, the solution will become clearer to you. The most important thing is to make the most of every opportunity, to invest in yourself, and to remember to live your life to the fullest.
Also, knowing what you want to do won't change anything if you don't devote a minimal amount of time to your studies and get a degree, because that's critical if you want to leave your choices open, including going back to school or changing occupations later on in life.
Experiment with different things while you are in school. Understand that there will always be ups and downs, good and bad circumstances that will eventually help you to move forward and will guide you towards the best path for you!
Enjoy the journey of finding your life’s purpose. Have faith in yourself! We believe in you!