We Understand You

At ChallengeU, we believe that education needs to adapt and offer a solution for those who are struggling to keep up with the regular school schedule or have had to drop out due to external factors. 


If you’re looking for an alternative to a traditional school or have had to put your education on hold for one reason or another, we want you to know that you’re not alone. ChallengeU is here to help you reach your full potential.


We offer a solution program designed specifically for people like you, with flexible schedules, online courses, and personalized support to help you succeed. Our customized coaching approach sets us apart from other schools, allowing us to tailor our support to your unique needs and goals.


We Understand You

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If you’re 14 years old and older, ChallengeU could be right for you if:

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You’re struggling to keep up with your school year and courses.
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You can’t go to the school building
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You’re dealing with traumatic experiences at school that are holding you back academically.
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You have responsibilities at home, such as a full-time job, caring for a child or a parent.
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You’ve dropped out of school but want to get back on track.
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You prefer learning at your own pace.

We partnered with Virtual Learning Academy to provide the best instructional services delivered by state-certified virtual instructors.

All online courses provided by Virtual Learning Academy are aligned with state standards.

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Success Guarantee

With our comprehensive academic and emotional support, we are confident that you can achieve your goal of obtaining your diploma if you are committed to putting in the effort and staying motivated.

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Proven Process

We have a proven track record of helping countless young individuals like yourself. By taking the time to understand your unique strengths and weaknesses, we can tailor our approach to help you reach your full potential and become the best version of yourself.



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Testimonial of our graduates

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News report by CBS 6, Vernon Freeman Jr. Shelby Brown about ChallengeU success

Why choose the ChallengeU program

  • Take advantage of our FREE program

  • Receive a personalized graduation plan that fits your needs and goals.

  • Connect with a graduation coach who genuinely cares about your success.

  • Discover job opportunities available after graduation as you learn about yourself and your personality.

  • Start working at your own pace according to your own schedule.

  • Create meaningful friendships with students who share similar experiences and interests.

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An In-Depth Look at our Alternative Education Program

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We offer mentorship opportunities, which means you’ll have someone to guide you, offer advice, and care as you navigate through your graduation and post-graduation life. All our mentors are people who have faced similar life challenges and understand your reality. We will always match you with a mentor that fits your personality.


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Post-graduation opportunities

Completing the ChallengeU program can open many doors for you, including access to higher education, job training, and networking opportunities. We offer comprehensive support to help you prepare for life after high school.


Our services include help with your resume, college application, loan and scholarship application, interview preparation, and much more! We are committed to helping you achieve your goals and take the next steps in your educational and professional journey.


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Workforce preparation

The ChallengeU program is designed to help you develop the skills you need to succeed in the workforce, including teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. These skills will help you find a job and make you a valuable asset to any employer.

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 ChallengeU offers apprenticeship opportunities, which are a great way to get hands-on experience in a field that interests you. This can help you determine what you want to do after graduation and make you more attractive to potential employers.


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Imagine Learning Platform

The ChallengeU program uses Imagine Learning, an online learning platform that allows you to access teacher-led courses, tutoring, and other educational resources from anywhere with an Internet connection.

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Teacher and tutor access

In partnership with Imagine Learning platform, we offer teachers and tutors Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. You’ll have access to knowledgeable instructors who can help you learn and grow while navigating on a user-friendly platform.


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Family oriented

We strive to create a sense of community by fostering a family environment. Along with your classmates, you will have the opportunity to participate in various activities and earn rewards that will motivate you to continue working hard to achieve your goals.

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Internet and connectivity

If you don’t have access to an Internet connection and a laptop, we can provide these so that your progress is not impeded and you can have permanent access to your courses.


We're at full capacity for 2024-2025. To enroll for 2025-2026 or if you have other inquiries, please complete this form.